Academic Year 2024-2025
Whitworth University offers student clubs that are accessible to all matriculated day students. Participation is not limited by race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, or disability.
A.C.T. Club
Club for theater activities and collaboration.
President: Fiona Beattie
Artists’ Cooperative
We do various art activities such as drawing together or collaborating on sticker designs or paintings.
President: Faith Rice
Asian Alliance Club
The mission of the Asian Alliance Club is to promote cultural awareness, celebrate Asian heritage, and foster a sense of community and inclusivity for both Asian students and the wider student body. We aim to educate and engage the Whitworth community on topics related to Asian cultures through events, discussions, and collaborations with other organizations.
President: Khaliun Gantumur
Astronomy Club
Do you like stargazing? Have fun viewing the night sky with Astronomy Club! Our monthly meetings are open to all Whitworth students and you can drop by for as long as you want to see stars and planets up close through a telescope and celebrate astronomic events while enjoying food and beverages with new friends.
President: Emma John
Athletic Training Club
We are the Athletic Training Club. Our primary goal of this club is to bring understanding of what Athletic Training services are to the Whitworth community. When we get together, we like to play games and we create friendly competition while educating about athletic training.
President: Sara Smith
Band of Whitworth Pirates
We are the Whitworth Pep Band. We perform at all football games, basketball home games (both men's and women's), and a large parade downtown Spokane
President: Colton Nussbaum
Bangarang Ultimate Frisbee Club
Our Club's Name is "Ultimate Frisbee Club" aka "Bangarang." We are a competitive Ultimate Frisbee Team that plays other D-I and D-III schools in our area and has several tournaments every year.
President: Tommy Chase
Beta Alpha Psi
BAP is an honor society accounting and finance-based club. Our goal is to help students focused on business to learn from local professionals and expose them too local accounting firms for internship and job offers
President: Debora Geneti
Black Student Union
We are a club whose main aim is to provide a safe space for black student in Whitworth university , a space where they can come ,rest, enjoy and chat about things other than academics. A family where black students can come to talk about their challenges and look for solutions
President: Andrew Lubben
Business Club
We are a club whose main aim is to provide a safe space for black student in Whitworth university , a space where they can come ,rest, enjoy and chat about things other than academics. A family where black students can come to talk about their challenges and look for solutions
President: Aaron Cox and Anu Rathnayake
Camp Kesem
Camp Kesem is a national nonprofit dedicated to supporting kids through and beyond their parent’s cancer. We put on multiple fundraisers throughout the year and we also put on a weeklong summer camp for the kids.
President: Elise Cook and Irelyn Branam -
Contact: ,
Catholic Fellowship
Our mission is to bring a truly faithful and joyful Catholic presence to Whitworth's Campus. Our club welcomes students of all faith backgrounds. Through God's grace, we strive for unity and fellowship in the celebration of the sacraments, prayer, adoration, scripture study, and fun!
President: Gabrielle Ukrainetz
Chemistry and Other Sciences (ChAOS)
Chemistry and Other Sciences Club (ChAOS) is a club for those involved in or interested in STEM at Whitworth Univerity. Our goal is to create a STEM community where students can learn, have fun, and form relationships with those who share the same passion. We host events that involve hands-on fun and education on various science topics that can often include STEM professors for the students to engage with and get to know.
President: Cora Martin
Chess Club
President: Carson Woods
Cool Whip
Whitworth University's funniest improv team! We put on shows every few weeks to give students homework breaks and the opportunity to sit with friends and laugh a little! We have frequent open meetings called "SAL" (Sunday Afternoon Live) that are advertised on our Instagram
President: Fiona Beattie
En Christo
At En Christo we make sack lunches as an outlet to foster community with downtown Spokane, with the goal of representing and learning about Jesus well through service and relationship. We go to an apartment building to sit and talk with residents, providing community for those living there and for Whitworth students. After that, we hand lunches to those living on the streets and enter into their community. Our club meets every Saturday in the MPR at 12 o’clock noon to make the sack lunches. Then we each lunch together in the dining hall and carpool downtown at 1pm. We usually get back to campus around 3:30pm. Anyone is welcome to join anytime, for all of it or for as much as they can! We’d love to see you!
President: Ella Bongat
Filipino-American Student Association
President: Charis Tiamson
Gaming Club
We are everything gaming (except chess club). We play boardgames, videogames, Dungeons and Dragons. We have a thriving discord server. An active Minecraft server. We have members set up teams for online videogames like League of Legends. We create groups for playing Dungeons and Dragons. We are a public club anyone is free to come to our weekly session or join. We meet from 12pm-4pm in Eric Johnston Science Building Room 308 almost every Saturday. To play boardgames or jackbox
President: Rab Greenup
Generation Action
Generation Action is a club of Whitworth students with a passion for activism. We strive to organize events on campus that advocate for reproductive freedom, raise awareness about reproductive health and rights, and educate peers about sexual health.
President: Sara Perez and Lizzie Berns
Guitar Club
Guitar club is a club where people can express their music style and jam together. The club mainly specialize in guitar but every other instrument is very welcomed! As it’ll make jamming together more fun and diverse
President: Nguyen Do
History Club
History Club is the student club for Whitworth's amazing History Department. We are a public club that promotes all things history while putting on events such as sing-a-longs with Dr. Dale Soden and Tai Chi and Tea with Dr. Clark, and we strive to create rich community for students of history and all disciplines
President: Anna hall
Heritage of Latino Americans
The Heritage for Latin Americans Club (H.O.L.A.) is a club that strives to promote the Latinx community and culture to our campus community. We make different sorts of events surrounding Hispanic culture. We meet monthly in the ABC room and our events are open to everyone!
President: Vanessa Valentin Martinez
Human Performance Club
President: Sydney McLean
Ice Cream Club
Ice Cream Club offers students a space to relax and decompress while enjoying unique flavors of homemade ice cream and meeting students from all across campus! We typically meet every other week, generally on Friday afternoons. But to accommodate as many of our member's schedules as possible, not all our meetings will be on Fridays, so join our mailing list or follow us on Instagram @pirate_cone to stay updated on our latest news and meeting information.
President: Margaret Fairborn
International Club
President: Nia Tesfaye
Jubilation Dance Ministry
Jubilation is an inclusive community where faith and dance collide! We offer open-level dance classes that are accessible and engaging to both those who are new to dance as well as those who have trained for many years. Anybody who attends is treated as a dancer, no matter their experience. We begin each class with a brief devotional to acknowledge dance as a form of worship, though our classes are open to dancers of all faith backgrounds.
- Our weekly public meetings are all in Tacoma Hall at the following times:
Musical Theater 8:00-9:15, Tap 6:30-7:45, Sundays: Hip Hop 12-1:00 and 4:00-5:00,
Wednesday: Jazz 6:30-7:45, Ballet/Lyrical 8:00-9:15 -
President: Hannah Schultz and Johanna Caudron
Instagram: @jubilationdanceministry
K-pop Club -
A space for fans of all kpop groups to have fun, collaborate, listen to their music, learn dances, and share positive messages expressed through music!
President: Gwen Brantner
Martial Arts Club
President: Peter Wang
Math Club
President: Jessica Heinlen
Men's Soccer Club
A club team for Whitworth students not on the Varsity team interested in playing soccer at a higher level of competition than the intramurals
President: Nabi Kahn and Zach Hertel
Political Science Club
President: Litzy Soltero
Polynesian Club
We share the Polynesian culture with Whitworth and the Spokane community to build an ʻohana for various students from Hawaiʻi/Polynesian islands. This ʻohana is open to everyone and anyone that would like to learn and experience the Polynesian culture. We plan to do this while abiding by the mission and goals of Whitworth University
President: Nalia Newman
Pre-Health Club
For the pre-med club, our goal is to create community and volunteer opportunities for students who are passionate about health care and medicine.
President: Marissa Bell
Pride Club
We try to facilitate community among people who share the same beliefs. Despite different majors, different years, or other differences we all are here at the same campus. Join the girls, gays, and theys! Public Meetings, usually in ABC Room or Weyerhaeuser 111
President: Jace Hanson
Psi Chi/Psychology Club
Psi Chi is an international honor society whose purpose shall be to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology. On our campus Psi Chi and The Psychology Club work in union to represent the Psychology department and mental health on our campus. Our events throughout the year are geared towards fostering community amongst students and faculty, as well as service, education and advocacy.
President: Lizzie Berns
Sigma Tau Delta
English honor society
President: Ally McAfee
Skeptic's Club
President: Bar Rozenhaimer
Sports Business Club
President: Doug Fitzpatrick
Storyteller’s Club
At our meetings, we write creatively and talk to each other about writing. We also have tea every week and encourage asking others for advice on writing. Our meetings are open to the general student body, as one does not have to be a member to participate in the club.
President: Eli Chapman
Students for Life
Whitworth Students For Life works to create an environment on campus in which life is valued from conception to natural death. We encourage open conversations about abortion and support pregnant and parenting students on campus.
President: Chloe Paparazzo
Student Investment Group
The Whitworth Student Investment Group is a group of undergraduate students from all areas of interest with a passion for investing. We get hands-on experience by managing the Robblee-Roberts Student Investment Fund as part of Whitworth University’s endowment. Our goal is to provide students with the opportunity to be involved in investment management and through WSIG, we foster the skills of leadership, communication, presentation, and public speaking. There are two meetings in the week where the group members get together. The first is a more casual sector meeting. The second meeting is every Thursday morning at 6:15 am which is more structured and professional in Weyerhauser 111 and open to all majors.
President: Cadin hogue
Swing and Ballroom Dance Club
We teach students different group and partner dances and host events where they can put those dance skills to use. Our meetings vary each month our events are posted on posters throughout the school and on our Instagram @whitworthswingdanceclub. Anyone is encouraged to come regardless of dance experience, we can teach you all you need to know!
President: Lyra Cupala
Turning Point USA
President: Bree Pollack
The Hidden Opponent
The Hidden Opponent at Whitworth is a chapter based on the national non-profit founded by former D1 volleyball player Victoria Garrick. The purpose of THO is to advocate, educate, and support athlete mental health with the goal of destigmatizing mental health within athletics. Together we will face the hidden opponent. Meetings occur monthly and are open to all! While we focus on athlete mental health, we believe mental health is for everyone and want to support anyone in their pursuit of mental health support.
President: Sedona Liming and Jordyn Bennet
Umoja Club
Umoja club, we are the African club and we meet once a week privately
President: Sophia Langa
Westminster Round
Westminster Round is the English Department social club. We strive to create community among the English majors and English-adjacent students by hosting events centered around building connections with others.
President: Kate Vaccaro
WhitCode is the Computer Science club for students on campus that fosters a culture of learning and growth within the CS/Math community at Whitworth University. We encourage our members to seek our opportunities to expand their knowledge, fine-tune their skills, and network with other members. Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting and socialize and learn more about the field of Computer Science.
President: Nick Lkhadroj
Women’s Soccer Club
A team for women to come together to play competitive soccer at a level in between intramurals and varsity soccer. We play in the West Coast Soccer Association league, and also schedule our own games outside of league games. We practice 2-3 days per week on the days that work for the most people, and we have a lot of fun! This semester, we held practices on Wednesdays and Thursdays on Omache field and in the U-Rec, depending on weather. Our games occur on the weekends, either in the Back 40 or at other schools' campuses. Our practices are open to anyone to come see if they want to officially play on the team. However, to play in league games, players need to register with the league association
President: Madi Stansfield